Thursday, February 10, 2011

Flu View

I think I have the flu.

I'm not sure, because technically the flu is just a virus and can't be tested for or controlled by medication. Cures for the flu include bed rest and fluids. Those affected may also be advised, as in my sister's case, to "stay away from other people". How one is to do this while living in a dormitory remains a mystery. The amazing thing about the flu is it's resilience. Each time a vaccine is developed against it, it simply mutates enough to remain effective against the human body. Swine and birds are also known to be particularly susceptible.

As I sit here coughing like an old smoker I wonder when modern medicine is going to do away with the flu once and for all. I hope it's not too soon. I, for one, have enjoyed my 3 day work week and an excuse to lay on the couch all day without being called lazy. Having the flu has suddenly made it OK for me to go to bed at 8:00, not do the dishes, and dictate what is watched on the TV.

The flu is perfect. Since it is not testable, it can be easily substituted for any physical malady one may have. Since it has no cure, its victims must simply be doted upon until they recover.

Why have we not thought of this before?

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