Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Hallelujah Post

A lot of times it's hard for me to see the big picture. 

That's really why I wanted to post today to remind future-me that even when things seem difficult or confusing I need to remember that there is always a larger plan that I can't see.

Here's my story about that:

Yesterday I opened my email to find two things in my inbox. Two answers to prayer, to be exact, right there in my gmail. One was a quick note from the on-post marketing director saying that their office will most likely have an position available within the next month. After yesterday's post I think it's pretty clear why this email had me jumping up and down with joy.

The second thing in my inbox was a little more personal.

See, The Lieutenant and I have started attending a church here and decided to try and find a small group there to get plugged in. I'll give you this: the church we've been going to is a pretty big. 

But we had no idea that the "small group connection night" would he HUGE. There was nothing "small" about it. We walked in and were immediately completely overwhelmed. There were at least a hundred booths set up, each representing a different small group. It looked like a college fair. It looked like this:

Actually, it was this. YEEAH. This is an ACTUAL photo of that night. Upon seeing this sight I (being severely overwhelmed as previously stated) wanted to leave but The Lieutenant suggested we walk around.
And that's how I somehow found myself talking with two ladies from a group specifically for spouses of military men.

So the second email in my gmail (I'm such a poet!) was from this group: Wives of Warriors.

Now is it a miracle that such a group exists in this town? No. But it is kind of a miracle that I found them, considering the fact that I almost walked out of the door. 

Let's face it, being a military wife is lonely work sometimes. You're far from your friends and family and even more than that, you have to be strong for your man because he's busy being strong for everyone else. I love The Lieutenant and I'm really proud of him but I have to say, it's not an easy life we have laid out before us.  I think that's why the second email meant so much to me. It's so important to build a network, to have other believers to turn to and a group that you can meet with regularly. I knew I needed to get plugged in but I didn't know how much until I read that email. I think I even cried a little.

I don't know why I worry about what's going to happen in the future when God's clearly got it under control. He's taking care of me.
And that's what this post is really about.

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